Cape Coast: COA Healthcare Centre screens  hundreds

 Over four hundred (400) residents of Cape Coast in the Central Region have benefited from a free health screening organized by COA Healthcare Centre, a subsidiary of the COA Research and Manufacturing Company Limited, producers of COA Mixture.

The health screening follows a fitness health walk the people had with Ghanaian actor, musician, and comedian, Kwadwo Nkansah ‘Lil Win’ through the principal streets of Cape Coast on Saturday.

The screening falls under the corporate social responsibility of the healthcare center to residents of Cape Coast, which aims at relieving these individuals from all physical diseases or malfunctioning of the body.

The healthcare offer also targets enlightening beneficiaries of the screening of their health status to tackle any identified medical condition at its primary stage.

Residents who benefited from the general health screening were screened for medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis B and C, HIV, typhoid, and malaria, among others.

 Dr. James Kojo Prah, Medical Director for the University of Cape Coast Hospital and a Senior Public Health Physician Specialist at the program emphasized the need for periodic exercise and body check-ups, likening the human body to a machine that needs constant servicing and repairs in other not to break down.

Ghanaian actor, musician, and comedian, Kwadwo Nkansah ‘Lil Win’ in an engagement with the media recounted proper healthcare to be one thing that ought to be generally prioritized by every individual, regardless of celebrity status. Thus, his decision to partake in the fitness health walk with the people of Cape Coast.

He encouraged all and sundry, particularly fellow celebrities to take into account their health condition by eating well and having a periodic check-up on their health and to take advantage of free health screenings like that organized by the COA Healthcare Centre in Cape Coast.

Some beneficiaries of the health screening after going through the process, outlaid their heartfelt appreciation to COA Healthcare Centre for not focusing solely on the financial gains the facility turns to recoup but rather thinking of resident’s well-being.





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