The Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Ministry of Local Governance and Rural Development (MLGRD) have launched the pilot support to women Famer-Based Organizations (WFBOs) with support from the Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Modernizing Agriculture in Ghana (MAG) that are engaged in post-production agricultural operations in Ghana.
The MOU was signed at the Upper West Regional conference hall.
The total grant received by the four WFBO is about Ghc100,000.
This is part of some GH¢2.5 million support from the High Commission of Canada in Ghana to the government of Ghana towards the progress of Ghanaian women in agribusiness.
The grant received by Caring Volunteers Network will enable the FBO buy equipment that will add value to the groundnuts produced at the local level for foreign and local markets.
Three other WFBOs present at the ceremony were Suntaa-Nuntaa womens group from the Wa West District, Nginna Women Group from Kojo-Kperi in DBI District and Inye Women group from Lawra Zambo also received the grant from MAG.
Adisa Abubakari, the chairperson of Nginna Women Group, spoke on behalf of the beneficiaries and thanked the Ministry of Agriculture and the Global affairs Canada for the timely support as the grant will help them increase their production levels and adding value to their raw materials.
“ We used to process our groundnuts manually with our hands and it was difficult and time consuming which was making our yields very low and with the intervention of MAG, it will help us add value to the groundnuts which will increase our incomes and reduce the time spent on the processing,” she said.
This support from the Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Modernizing Agriculture in Ghana (MAG) programme aims to strengthen the capacities of the WFBOs to make their products more competitive and attractive for local and export markets.
According to the Canada High Commission, the support is in line with its Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP), which seeks to empower women to eradicate poverty and build a more peaceful, more inclusive and more prosperous world.
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