Chy Mall, Sairui Mall is a ponzi scheme-EOCO warns

The Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) has stated that the Chy Mall and the Sairui Mall is ponzi/pyramid scheme and has therefore cautioned the public to desist from patronising their services.

According to EOCO, the Chinese Company called CHY Century Heng Yue Group Limited/Sairui E-Commerce Ghana Limited, which is registered as an online trading and marketing services solicits and takes/receives funds through investment packages from its customers with a promise of guaranteed returns/margins of various percentages over a fixed short period of time.

“The company operates a Ponzi/Pyramid scheme and the general public is cautioned to desist from investing and patronizing CHY MALL. Therefore, anyone who transacts business with them does so at their own risk,” EOCO stated.

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