Consent Matters: Minority group empowered to make informed choices

Developing Women for Skills and Opportunities Initiative (DWOSO), has held a special event to educate and empower persons of a minority group about consent.

The event, supported by Amplify Change, covered important topics like types of consent, factors that influence it, power dynamics, myths, and issues related to consent and how to deal with it.

Leading the session Dadzie Naffixa Afua, the Comms and M/E Officer at DWOSO, helped participants to understand the true meaning of consent and how to apply it in their daily lives.

The session emphasized the importance of women being in charge of their decisions regarding sexual and reproductive health, making choices that empower them.

By the end of the session, participants left with a clear understanding of consent and its significance.

This knowledge will help them make informed decisions and respect each other’s boundaries.

The event showed that consent matters, and it’s crucial to create a society where everyone’s choices are respected.


DWOSO is a feminist organization that centers all self-­identifying women and girls through education and advocacy, poverty eradication programs and skill development. With its focus on women and girls development, the organization has a defined target group being rural women, unemployed women, the girl child, women and girls living with all forms of disabilities, women and girls living with HIV/AIDS, and Queer women.

DWOSO strongly believes that feminism is for everybody; Hence, we encourage all persons from diverse backgrounds to participate in meaningful conversation and activities that will help us dismantle the patriarchy.

For more information on future events, visit

Ghana | | Vivian


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