Fox unmasked as thief of over 100 shoes from neighborhood in Germany

A fox with an affinity for fashion is believed to have stolen over 100 shoes in Germany’s capital city.

Residents of Berlin’s southwestern Zehlendorf neighborhood recently noticed the disappearance of footwear left outside their homes, according to local media.

Among the slippers, sandals, and sneakers to go missing were local resident Christian Meyer’s running shoes, Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel reported.

Meyer told the paper that he posted about his stolen shoes on Germany’s community noticeboard-sharing platform, where he learned that dozens of other shoes also had vanished in the area.
While investigating the disappearances, he told the paper he caught a fox “red-handed” with a pair of blue flip-flops in its mouth. Meyer took photos of the animal hauling off the footwear and later found its trove of multi-colored shoes.
While Meyer has yet to recover his running shoes, at least three pairs of footwear have since been reclaimed by their rightful owners, the report said.


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