Ghanaians urged to take advantage of D-ETF platform to break financial barriers

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of D-ETF, Mr Joel Felice Kuck has encouraged Africans, especially Ghanaians to take advantage of the D-ETF platform to enable them to break financial barriers.

He gave the advice at the D-ETF African Conference 2024 held in Accra on Saturday, June 1, 2024.

D-ETF is an innovative investment platform which merges traditional assets investments with the advantages of Blockchain technology, revolutionizing access to global financial markets.

It is set to be one of the fastest trading platforms in the world, faster than Binance.

The owners of D-ETF also explain that it offers a comprehensive financial platform that consolidates a wide array of financial assets, including stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), cryptocurrency and more.

Speaking at the D-ETF African Conference 2024, Mr Joel Felice Kuck encouraged the public to invest in the platform because it democratizes access to finance for everyone.

He explained that “D-ETF is the first trading platform, that is everything in one place for Africa. This means that you can buy crypto, stocks, ETFs and commodities. It is the first time a platform is just made for Africa.”

He continued that usually, people are just able to buy crypto, people are able to buy through momo but it is very difficult for people to have financial independence to build wealth, therefore the introduction of the platform.

“That is why we have been developing the fastest platform for Africa because for us, that is what financial inclusion means. It has low entry barriers, meaning low fees, low starting investments and the possibility to withdraw instantly. That is what it means to us financial inclusion and the next generation trading platform,” he said.

Mr. Joel Felice Kuck desceibed D-ETF as a movement, saying that having African roots, though a German, he knows the struggles of Africans, adding that it is unfair that in 2024, there are no solutions hence the introduction of  D-ETF for people to empower themselves.

He also said the platform is extremely secure such that it is very difficult to hack, urging those who use the platform to refrain from sharing their password with anyone.

He observed that high inflation in Africa has prevented the average person from enriching themselves.

Mr. Joel Felice Kuck, therefore, recommended the D-ETFplatforms to the public for financial independence.

“It is time for you to really enjoy financial inclusion, we are bringing the possibility to you, now is your time to get control over your finances, be independent, get the possibility to learn about finance and therefore also build wealth for yourself,” he said.

Meanwhile, to access the platform, he said one can visit, register and follow the steps.

For his part, Winner of Big Brother Naija 6, Hazel Oyeze Onoduenyi, mostly known as Whitemoney who has joined the D-ETF team observed that more Ghanaians are beginning to accept such platforms and was optimistic over its growth.

“Basically I am here to create awareness on the positive effects of the brand in general to let people know that there is a way forward, it is a good investment and it is very reliable,” he added.

Ghana|| Porcia Oforiwaa Ofori


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