Latest polls predict Bawumia as most preferred Presidential candidate

A latest survey conducted has predicted the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party,Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as the preferred Presidential Candidate.

According to the survey, 50.3% of Ghanaian voters will be looking for a competent leader come December 2024 whereas a quarter (22.5%) of voters will be considering the track records of presidential candidates as key to determining who they vote for.

Conducted by an Associate Professor of Statistics Research Design & Data Management Consultant Director of Research and Innovation of Kumasi Technical University, Professor Smart Sarpong, the survey revealed that Dr Mahamudu Bawumia leads as the preferred Presidential Candidate with 38.9%, closely followed by John Dramani Mahama (NDC) with 36.1%.

The Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono, Central, Eastern, North East, Western, and Western North are the Regions where NPP’s Dr. Bawumia is leading as against his other contenders adding that all other Presidential aspirants put together are making up to 3.6% gains.

“Most decided Regions in favour of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia (NPP) is North East with 60% of voters going for him while 75.7 % of voters in Volta region have
decided John Dramani Mahama (NDC)” the report added.

It also revealed that about 21.4 % of prospective voters are yet to decide which Presidential candidate to vote for as at end of April 2024. They may remain floating until they decide to vote in favour of one of the presidential candidates.


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