NCA begins work on implementation of 5G mobile broadband service

 The Board Chair of the National Communications Authority (NCA), Okatakyie Ababio Boakye Danquah II, has disclosed that the NCA has already begun work on the 5G policy with the directive from the Ministry of Communication and Digitalization.

He said this when the National Communications Authority launched the Dispute Resolution Committee in Accra.

Communications Minister, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful announced, Ghana was set to roll out its 5G mobile broadband services as part of measures to propel the country into a fully digitized society by the end of 2030. The rollout which is scheduled within the next six months would be undertaken by Next-Gen Infraco (NGiC), a consortium specially put together to develop the necessary infrastructure for the rollout. 

The board chair of the National Communications Authority, Okatakyie Ababio Boakye Danquah II, said the authority has been directed to commence work on the 5G mobile broadband service. He assured the authority will do its best to ensure the rollout benefits all industry players.

“Currently, the authority has begun work on the implementation of the 5G policy directive from the Ministry of Communication and Digitalization and we assure you that the NCA will do its best to ensure a rollout that will be beneficial to all stakeholders within the industry” 

The rollout of 5G services is expected to bring numerous benefits to Ghanaians, including faster data speeds, lower latency, and increased connectivity. This will enable citizens to access digital services, including healthcare, education, and financial services, more efficiently and effectively.

However, the Minority in Parliament has expressed serious concerns about the government’s decision to award the 5G licensing contract to NextGen InfraCo, a company established just a week prior to the contract’s approval. According to them, the deal lacks transparency and does not serve the country’s best interests.


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