NDC’s allegations against EC, NIA backfires

The National campaign chairman for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mac Manu, says it is the plan of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to fabricate grounds for chaos, disunity and fear since they do not have a good candidate and a good story to tell voters in December.
He said the focus of the NPP is to manage the crisis caused by Covid-19 in a way that the Ghanaian economy and society will come out of this crisis stronger and more united.
According to Mac Manu, the NPP will win the 2020 elections based purely on what the party is delivering to protect and improve the lives of the people in every corner of the country.
He called on Ghanaians to ask the NDC what is it about the 2012 voters register that it is so determined to protect it from being replaced as well as what is in the 2012 register that the NDC is threatening civil war if it is changed for a better one.
“It is that same register that the Supreme Court later ruled that it was wrong for the EC to accept the National Health Insurance Card as an ID source for registration in 2012. We set out in opposition to campaign for that discredited register to be changed. The NDC in government opposed our campaign. It was not done. But we did what any responsible political party must do; we organized ourselves and prosecuted our campaign and the people of Ghana gave us the highest numbers of Parliamentarians and the highest margin of nearly one million votes in the presidential election,” he said.
He reiterated that the Party is prepared to campaign and win the endorsement of the overwhelming majority of the Ghanaian people once again in the next poll based on the Party’s performance and not a voter register.
Ghana | Atinkaonline.com


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