In a heartwarming gesture, the Tobinco Media Group (TMG), formerly known as Atinka Media Village, hosted a festive get-together for its neighbors under the theme “Christmas with Our Neighbors.”
The event saw the participation of approximately 1000 individuals, who were treated to a delightful meal as part of the initiative.
The gathering served a dual purpose: introducing the new TMG brand and fostering stronger bonds with neighboring businesses.
Organizers also took the opportunity to engage attendees on their expectations from TMG in the coming years, signaling a commitment to community collaboration and growth.
Adding to the festive ambiance was a captivating performance by the Ghana Armed Forces Band, which provided live entertainment throughout the event, much to the delight of the attendees.
This initiative not only celebrated the spirit of Christmas but also underscored TMG’s dedication to building meaningful relationships within the Avenor community.
The move sets a positive tone for the media group’s future endeavors as it transitions under its new brand identity.
Ghana | | Ebenezer Madugu