Stop attacking EC Chair-ABANTU/WMC warns

A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), ABANTU for Development and the Women’s Manifesto Coalition (WMC) have cautioned individuals and groups against issuing death threats, insults and any form of attacks on the EC Chair, Jean Mensah.
This comes after the Women Empowerment group noticed the increasing rate of attacks, multiple insults and acts of degradation on women who take up leadership positions in the country.
Ever since the intention of compiling a new voters’ register was made known, the EC Chair has come under attacks by individuals, some politicians, and even pastors, with some threatening to kill her.
Recently, a self-acclaimed man of God, Apostle Kwabena Owusu, alleged that Jean Mensah was planted at the EC for dubious reasons and that she will die if she continues to the bidding of the NPP.
Few days after, Prophet Nigel Gaisie has also added his voice to those claiming the EC Chair will die soon. The series of threats has triggered the Women Activists to condemn and warn the public against such barbaric acts.
In a statement issued in Accra on June 9, 2020 and signed by Dr Rose Mensah-Kutin Executive Director, ABANTU for Development, ABANTU and the WMC noted that threats of harm and death contributed to the highest level of denial of human rights.
The groups recognized the difficulties associated with serving in such a combative position as the Electoral Commissioner, trying to satisfy strong diverse political viewpoints in the hope of delivering universally acceptable democratic and electoral outcomes.
They therefore pledged to continue to stand behind Jean Mensah and offer the needed support and defence for all women in national policy and decision-making spaces.
ABANTU and the WMC also stated that it would continue to advocate for the need for Ghana to hold itself accountable to its constitutional mandate of increasing women’s equal participation and representation in public policy making and decision making at all levels.
ABANTU for Development is a non-governmental organization which has the vision of a world where empowered women and men advocate collectively on gender inequalities through promoting transformational leadership and development for a just society.
It hosts WMC that spearheaded the development of the Women’s Manifesto for Ghana, a living political but non-partisan document that outlines key issues of concern to women and makes demands for addressing them.


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