We want to come home-Stranded Ghanaians in Dubai cry

A group of 44 Ghanaians in Dubai have been left stranded on the streets due to certain conditions the coronavirus pandemic has ushered them into.
Due to Coronavirus pandemic, most of the Ghanaian immigrants have lost their jobs and have been evacuated from their labour camps.
According to the immigrants, most them sleep on the streets and whiles they struggle to get their daily meals.
They complained that when they contacted the Ghana General Consulate of Dubai to assist them for evacuation, the Consulate did not offer them the needed support.
Meanwhile, they claim that it was rather a Non Governmental Organisation called ‘Dar Al Bar Society’ which is based in Dubai that tried to offer them some help at least for their upkeep; a situation that went against the Ghana General consulate.
The group of stranded Ghanaiansy are therefore appealing to the Ghana Government to assist them come back to Ghana.

Ghana| Atinkaonline.com


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