75 defective traffic lights spotted across country, Accra dominates


Reports Reaching Atinkaonline.com is that about 75 traffic lights across the country are defective.

Out of the above, Accra alone has about 45- 48 percent of traffic light which are not working.

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Speaking with the Head of Regulation and Compliance at NRSA, Lawyer Kwame Koduah Atuahene said after scouting the country, with focus on Regional Capitals, the NRSA noticed that about 75 traffic lights were faulty.

He noticed that some roads did not have streetlights, noting that such situations could lead to accidents.

“Apart from four or five Regions that do not have traffic light, about three regions did not have problem with traffic lights. We counted about 75 defective traffic lights and Greater Accra had the largest number,” he said.

Lawyer Kwame Koduah Atuahene said the NRSA was creating alerts so that the Department of Urban Roads, who are usually responsible for traffic lights will be alerted for them to fix the traffic lights.

He also said the alerts were to inform drivers about the traffic lights so that they drive carefully while using such roads.

He urged the Department of Urban Roads to correct the faulty ones and as well urged the Assemblies in the interim to liaise with the police and assign trained traffic wardens to direct traffic at such places to avoid any form of accidents.

to fix the faulty traffic lights.

Ghana| Atinkaonline.com| Porcia Oforiwaa Ofori
Writer’s email: [email protected]


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