2019 Budget: Updates from parliament

Minister of Finance Ken Ofori-Atta is in Parliament delivering the 2019 budget statement and financial policy of government.

The statement will be for a year in which Ghana will not be under an external credit facility (ECF) from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Government has already indicated the post-IMF budget will “bring more relief, hope and improvement in the standard of living of our people”.

Below are key points from the statement

Thank you

In the Spirit of the season, I declare that by this budget, we bring Glad Tidings of Great Joy, of Hope, Relief and a Renewed strength. Indeed, Emmanuel God is with us!!! – Ken Ofori-Atta

Building national prosperity is not the exclusive domain of Govt. If we are to win in pushing Ghana Beyond Aid then every single one of us must own it; be citizens in developing our nation and not just mere spectators with strong opinions – Ken Ofori-Atta

Exiting the IMF programme is a great achievement towards fiscal sovereignty but not from eternal fiscal discipline; expenditures on SHS is expensive but a responsible investment that provides incalculable future returns on our greatest asset– our children – Ofori-Atta

We have chosen 2019 as the year to begin some landmark redevelopment projects that will stamp Accra’s growing reputation as the main city for business and holiday travellers in our region and beyond – Ken Ofori-Atta

Ghana industrialisation project is ready for that long-awaited big take-off. It is not by sheer accident that the big multinationals in the automobile industry are signing up to set up manufacturing hubs in Ghana – Ken Ofori-Atta

We have chosen to make our rich oil resources more accessible to credible investors through competitive bidding and we aim to hit, God willing, a million barrels of crude oil production within a matter of a decade – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In this 2019 budget we have chosen to sacrifice and build for the future; we have chosen to invest in people; we have chosen to boldly tackle the infrastructural needs of the people with a $2 billion facility next year – Ken Ofori-Atta

We are proud of what we have accomplished in 22 months and are certain and resolved to deliver a future that meets the hopes and aspirations of our people through this budget and into the medium term – Ken Ofori-Atta

Phase 2 of UG Medical Center to start in 2019 with $50m loan

I am happy to announce that those who believed, have seen their dreams and aspirations come to fruition under the @NAkufoAddo government – Ken Ofori-Atta

One key measure is the Social Partnership among Organised Labour, Ghana Employers Association, and Govt which we believe will provide an avenue for the partners to deliberate on significant development matters and providing relevant solutions – Ken Ofori-Atta

Evidence shows that when it comes to social policies to protect the poor and vulnerable in Ghana, the Government @NAkufoAddo has a remarkable record – Ken Ofori-Atta

We have restored Teacher and Nursing Training allowances, we have reduced Electricity tariffs; 17.5% for households and 30% for businesses – Ken Ofori-Atta 

We have increased the share of the DACF to persons with disabilities from 2% to 3%. We have more than doubled the Capitation Grant from GH¢4.5 to GH¢10  – Ken Ofori-Atta

In 2018, as a result of the innovative double track system, we have been able to accommodate 181,000 more students who otherwise could not have access to secondary education – Ken Ofori-Atta 

The Nana Akufo Addo Government has eased the burden of hundreds of thousands of Ghanaians and invested in the future of our children with the introduction of the Free Senior High School program – Ken Ofori-Atta

A 10% reduction in the interest rates translates into over GH¢1.6 billion in savings; almost enough to pay for Free SHS in 2019 – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In 2019, we will spend over GH¢16 billion of our revenue (over 26.6%) on interest payments – Ken Ofori-Atta 
We inherited over GH¢120 billion of debt at very high interest rates. Even though we have brought down interest rates considerably we are still saddled with a sizeable amount of expensive debt – Ken Ofori-Atta 

If we really want to uplift ourselves out of this hand-to-mouth existence and put our country Ghana on a firm trajectory of growth and prosperity, we need to source long-term affordable financing to invest in infrastructure over the medium to long-term – Ken Ofori-Atta

The decision to raise these ultra-long-term bonds is not intended to derail our debts sustainability path, but rather to enhance it – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government intends to issue sovereign bonds of up to US$3 billion, to be used to finance critical infrastructure projects and for liability management – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Government is committed to its objective to borrow at “least cost” and at the minimum prudent level of risk – Ken Ofori-Atta

In this budget, the Special Prosecutor’s Office has been allocated an amount of GH¢180 million from GoG with a commitment to provide additional resources during the course of 2019 to enable the Office to carry out its mandate – Ken Ofori-Atta

Tax exemptions in Ghana have invariably provided the opportunity for abuse. But even without the irregularities, the exemptions in themselves, deny the country of much-needed revenue, resulting in low revenue collection and reporting – Ken Ofori-Atta

In the last 8 years tax exemptions (import duty, import VAT, import NHIL and domestic VAT) in the economy have grown from GH¢391m (0.9% of GDP) in 2010 to GH¢5,269.99m (2.6% of GDP) in 2017 – Ken Ofori-Atta 

All Government Entities will be able to receive electronic payments by the end of quarter 2 next year. This is a pre-cursor to all Government entities making payments electronically on the journey to the Government going cashless – Ken Ofori-Atta

An electronic payment platform will be put in place to automate the collection and administration of rates in all local government entities and to give central government a comprehensive view of the finances of MMDAs – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In 2019, we will begin to apply sanctions to state and private entities that fail to enforce TIN requirements. In providing social services and benefits provided by the state, Govt will require beneficiaries or guardians to have a TIN – Ken Ofori-Atta

The need to broaden the tax base has never been lost on us as a country. Some efforts have been even other previous administrations, but too many individuals and businesses still operate outside the tax net – Ken Ofori-Atta

In respect of tax debt recovery, we have already prepared files to enable us to bring legal action against big tax defaulters  – Ken Ofori-Atta

For a long time, NLA has underperformed its potential. The reforms of lotteries in Ghana that started more than a decade ago have not yielded the expected outcomes. There is the need for re-awakening  – Ken Ofori-Atta

Irregularities and revenue leakages arising out of the dishonest behaviour of revenue officers will be addressed frontally. Gov't will make it a regular practice to prosecute offending revenue officers for criminal collusion with unscrupulous taxpayers  – Ken Ofori-Atta

It is time to take a closer look at the GRA and to retool it for the critical task of mobilizing revenue to finance improvements in the lives of our people  – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In view of recent wage increases, wages around minimum wage levels have become partly taxable. In keeping with Govt's commitment to lighten the tax burden of wage earners at the lower levels of the wage ladder, minimum wage will attract no income tax – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government proposes to review this band to impact monthly income above GH¢20,000 at a rate of 30%  – Ken Ofori-Atta

We have listened to the feedback from the public and come to the conclusion that some relief from this tax measure is justified – Ken Ofori-Atta [Finance 

Government in the mid-year review introduced an additional personal income tax band of GH¢10,000 and above per month at a rate of 35% – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In our drive towards Ghana Beyond Aid, it is imperative that we significantly increase domestic revenue, raise efficiency in the use of public resources, and protect the public purse from leakages – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In 2019, another set of 10,000 entrepreneurs will be trained and financial support will be provided to about 2,000 beneficiaries – Ken Ofori-Atta 

It is expected that each of these entrepreneurs will create a minimum of two jobs, totalling at least 2,700 direct jobs – Ken Ofori-Atta

Under the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Programme, 7,000 entrepreneurs were trained and 1,350 successful entrepreneurs who presented innovative and bankable business plans were provided with financial support – Ken Ofori-Atta

GIPC registered 47 wholly-owned Ghanaian businesses this year, with an estimated value of GH¢ 716m, and aims to increase this to 52 businesses worth GH¢ 787m in 2019 – Ken Ofori-Atta

An online Electronic Registry will be launched in 2019. It'll document all business-related laws, regulations, administrative notices, procedures and fees. This will provide open and transparent access to business regulations in Ghana – Ken Ofori-Atta 

We have provided a stable macroeconomic environment with interest rates averaging 27.49%, improved access to credit with credit to the private sector increasing by 13% (GH¢4.7bn) compared with 7.9% (GH¢2.6bn) in September 2017 – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Integrated E-waste Management program has been launched and will, among other things, ensure the management of E-waste in an environmentally sound manner and turn the challenges of e-waste management in Ghana into green business opportunities – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Ministry of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation is in the process of finalizing a new National Plastic Waste Policy, which will focus on strategies to promote reduction, reuse and recycling – Ken Ofori-Atta

We will, in 2019, work with the Ministry of Energy, to introduce tax-free solutions for full electrical vehicles in order to promote a technology shift from fossil fuel based vehicles – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government will encourage and promote Ghanaian participation in the renewable energy sector with focus on assembling and manufacturing – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In order to curtail smuggling and counterfeiting, which have been undermining the industry, we will extend the tax stamp policy to the textile products – Ken Ofori-Atta

Ghana used to have a textile industry that employed around 30, 000 people, but in recent years the number employed is only around 5,000. It is Government’s aim to help revive this industry which could create a lot of employment  – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Trade Ministry in collaboration with the Govt of Poland under the APCF will benefit from a US$100m concessionary credit facility to establish an assembly and manufacturing plant for tractors, and modern agricultural equipment and machinery

Govt will support industrialization, through the One Region One Park Programme. Govt will partner with the private sector to develop a number of industrial parks, including the Greater Kumasi Industrial City and a Special Economic Zon – Ken Ofori-Atta 

We exported over $2.8bn worth of crude oil in 2017, but still imported $1.7bn of refined petroleum products such as petrol – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government will also restructure VALCO to bring in private sector participation – Ken Ofori-Atta 

VALCO will next year fully run two out of its five potlines to increase output from 40,000 to 80,000 tons with associated revenue of US$160m – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Ghana has long produced aluminium at VALCO, but imports the alumina – the middle step between bauxite and aluminium – Ken Ofori-Atta

Govt is establishing the Ghana Incentive Base Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (GIRSAL). An amount of GH¢400m with an additional funding of US$14m from the AfDB has been set aside to operationalise GIRSAL in 2019 – Ken Ofori-Atta

By the end of the year, a total of 79 factories, in 9 regions of the country, will be at various stages of construction or operation under the 1D1F scheme – Ken Ofori-Atta

We will support the development of agro-processing mainly through the One-District-One-Factory Programme, taking advantage of the increased agricultural production engendered by the PFJ and RFJ programmes – Ken Ofori-Atta

Our One-Village-One-Dam project under our IPEP programme, which provides dams and dugout irrigation schemes, will help expand agricultural production, particularly in the North – Ken Ofori-Atta

World cocoa prices remain low after declining by about a third in the 2017/2018 season. Despite the significant decline, Govt maintained the producer price at GH¢7,600 per tonne to ensure that farmers did not suffer a loss of income – Ken Ofori-Atta

In 2019, Government expects to increase its warehouse storage capacity by around 80,000 metric tons – Ken Ofori-Atta

In the case of rice, the strategy is to increase volumes through increased yields of rice by expanding production areas in irrigated schemes, valleys and low lands around the country – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government will launch the livestock model of Planting for Food and Jobs called “Rearing for Food and Jobs” (RFJ) with the objective of increasing the production of selected livestock, especially poultry – Ken Ofori-Atta

Following a year of implementation of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) Programme, the agricultural sector witnessed a growth rate of 8.4 percent in 2017 – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government has additionally invested in 10 youth and sports centres of excellence in each of the 10 regions of Ghana which are at various stages of completion  – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Accra Sports Stadium has been renovated after a decade of neglect; finally, sports-loving Ghanaians can go to the stadium and safely watch their favourite teams play – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Creative Arts Industry Bill is now in Parliament for deliberation and passage into Law. The Creative Arts Fund is incorporated in the Bill to ensure the economic viability of the Creative Arts Sector in the economy – Ken Ofori-Atta

Nana Akufo Addo has proposed a partnership between the State and the Ghanaian Christian community both at home and in the Diaspora. 

The formal launch of a national fundraising campaign is slated for December 28, 2018 in Ghana – Ken Ofori-Atta

The President is determined that the building of the National Cathedral would not put undue financial burdens on the state – Ken Ofori-Atta

The National Cathedral project will also bequeath to the country a gracious national park for all Ghanaians; bring new skills, technology and jobs to the country; and will act as a beacon to national, regional and international tourists – Ken Ofori-Atta

The National Cathedral will house impressive chapels and baptistery, 5000-seat main auditorium, expandable to 15000 people for national events and celebrations – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Under the Zongo Development Fund, 5 Astro turfs (with spectator stands and dressing rooms) were constructed at Madina, Kyebi and Walewale. In addition, five recreational parks were completed for use at Bolgatanga, Salaga, Yeji, Tafo-Kumasi and Akim Oda – Ken Ofori-Atta

In 2019 government will commence work to upgrade 10 Technical Universities /Polytechnics and 13 Technical Institutes with modern equipment and also train selected lecturers of these institutions – Ken Ofori-Atta

A Concessionaire has been selected to assume responsibility of ECG’s core business of power distribution and shall be required to invest half a billion dollars in the network to improve efficiency and reduce commercial and technical losses – Ken Ofori-Atta

To boost housing supply and strengthen coastal protection, Government will continue to work on several projects, such as the Saglemi Housing project, where 4,100 of 5,000 homes will be completed in 2019 – Ken Ofori-Atta [Finance Minister]

Structural work on the new 500-bed military hospital at Afari, near Kumasi, is about 65 percent complete, and full completion expected in 2019. In 2019 work will also start on the 3rd phase of the 37 Military Hospital project in Accra – Ken Ofori-Atta

Gov't has converted the Ho Regional Hospital to a teaching hospital and commenced the process for upgrading the Hohoe Municipal Hospital to a Regional Hospital – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Government has received Parliamentary approval for a US$50m loan to complete Phase II of the University of Ghana Medical School (UGMC) which is awaiting the conclusion of a Value for Money audit – Ken Ofori-Atta

Cabinet's given approval for the establishment of Home-Based Airline with private sector participation to provide regional and inter-continental services for efficient movement of people, goods and services as well as promote tourism – Ken Ofori-Atta 

208,620 jobs formal jobs have been created  in the first 10 months of 2018. 

The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta says this is an increase on the 197,000 created in 2017
Under the “Water for All” agenda, we will ensure the continuous expansion of urban water systems in the country – Ken Ofori-Atta

It is of major concern to Government that in this day and age, many of our people do not have access to potable water – Ken Ofori-Atta 

The Achimota to Tema section is 90%  complete and Achimota to Accra Central and Achimota to Nsawam will be completed by end of 2018. Rehabilitation will continue to Koforidua in 2019 – Ken Ofori-Atta [Finance Minister]

Work has commenced on rehabilitation works on the 70.8km narrow gauge sections of the Eastern Railway Line from Accra to Nsawam and Accra to Tema – Ken Ofori-Atta

Govt in 2018, commenced the rehabilitation of existing 56 km narrow gauge line from Kojokrom to Tarkwa through Nsuta corridor to restore passenger rail and freight services for the first time since 2007. This will be completed in 2019 – Ken Ofori-Atta [Finance Minister]

In 2019 Government in partnership with the private sector through PPP arrangements will undertake various projects including Accra–Takoradi Highway Dualisation, Accra – Tema Motorway and Accra – Kumasi Highway Dualisation – Ken Ofori-Atta
Road Projects for Greater Accra Region:

Adenta-Dodowa Road (Dualisation)
Ofankor Hospital Link Road
Abensu Afiama Taxi Road (Trobu)
Israel Junction Sound Foundation-Blue Gate and Yeboah Street-Nii Ankraman (Trobu-Amasaman)
Road Projects for Greater Accra Region:

Apostle Sarfo Onyinase Road
Pentecost University Road
Omanjor to Olebu Road
Abease Road to Ablekuma
A-lang Area Road-Sowotuom Race Course Medical Centre Road
Selected Roads in Gbawe
Nanakrom-Santeo Ashaiman Road
Roads and infrastructure Projects for Greater Accra Region:

Taifa-Burkina-Nkatia Burger-Dome-
Kwabenya Mosque
Christo Asafo Area Roads-Taifa
Pure Water Roads and Links-
Fan Milk Area Road-Anyaa
Adu Gyamfi Road-Anyaa
Selected Roads in Anyaa

Roads and infrastructure Projects for Volta Region:

Jasikan – Dodo Pepesu – Nkwanta
Have – Hohoe
Hohoe Inner City Roads

Roads and infrastructure Projects for Upper West Region:

Lawra- Han-Tumu
Lawra-Dikpe Bridge

Road Projects for Upper East Region

Navrongo -Naga
Roads and infrastructure Projects for Northern Region:

Tamale Interchange
Nalerigu – Bunkpurugu Road
Tamale – Salaga – Bimbilla
Yendi – Tatale
Karaga – Gushegu
Roads and infrastructure Projects for Central Region:

Apawusika Road and Links
Agona Swedru Inner City Roads
Ankamu – Achiase – Swedru
Swedru – Bawjiase – Adeiso
Other Selected Cape Coast Inner City Roads
Roads and infrastructure Projects for Western Region:

Prestea Inner City Roads
Benchema – Adwofia
Asankragua – Agona – Sefwi Bekwai
Roads and infrastructure Projects for Eastern Region:

Kwabeng – Abomosu – Asuom
Kwabeng – Akropong
New Abirem-Ofoase-Akim Oda
Akyem – Ankaase town Roads
Akyem Fremponso
Mampong – Kofiase
Anwiankwanta – Obuasi
Koforidua Interchange
Akroso – Asamankese
Roads and infrastructure Projects for the Brong Ahafo Region: 

Atebubu – Kwamedanso – Kojokrom –
Sunyani Inner Ring Road
Sunyani Inner City Roads
Tepa Bomaa – Yamfo
Berekum Inner City Roads
Duayaw – Nkwanta
Odumasi – Seikwa Nkwanta
Bediako – Kasapi – Camp 15

Roads and infrastructure Projects for the Ashanti Region (Continued) : 

Tafo Pankrono Sub-Metro
Asokwa Sub-Metro
Kwadaso Sub-Metro
Oforikrom Sub-Metro
Subin Sub-Metro
Nhyiaeso Sub-Metro
Bantama Sub-Metro
Mampong Inner City Roads

Roads and infrastructure Projects for the Ashanti Region: 

Nyinahene – Awisesu
Nyinahene – Kyekyewere
Okomfo Anokye – Abuakwa
Suame Interchange
Oforikrom Interchange
Manhyia Sub-Metro
Suame Sub-Metro

In 2019, we will invest massively in the development of road and infrastructure, from a variety of funding sources  – Ken Ofori-Atta

To ensure efficient management of infrastructure, we will soon submit a Bill to set up the Ghana Asset Management Corporation – Ken Ofori-Atta

Govt is committed to embarking on an integrated infrastructural development programme  that will move goods, food items and people from one location to another that will create jobs and prosperity and ensure value for money for Ghana – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Infrastructure, both hard and soft, is the backbone of economic development and growth, as well as a source of jobs and wealth for a majority of people – Ken Ofori-Atta

Based on the estimates for Total Revenue & Grants and Total Expenditure, the 2019 fiscal operations will result in an overall budget deficit of GH¢14.5bn, equivalent to 4.2% of GDP – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Capital expenditure is projected at GH¢8.5bn, equivalent to 2.5% of GDP and a growth of 55.7% over the 2018 projected outturn  – Ken Ofori

Total expenditure, including the clearance of arrears, is estimated at GH¢73.4bn, equivalent to 21.3% of GDP, representing a growth of 27.0% above the projected outturn for 2018 – Ken Ofori-Atta

Receipts from upstream petroleum activities are projected at GH¢5.4bn in 2019, equivalent to 1.6% of GDP, and representing 30.3% growth over the projected outturn for 2018 – Ken Ofori-Atta

Domestic revenue is estimated at GH¢57.8bn, representing an annual growth of 25.5% over the projected outturn for 2018 – Ken Ofori-Atta

Total revenue and grants for 2019 are estimated at GH¢58.9bn, 17.1% of the rebased GDP, up from a projected outturn of GH¢46.8bn, 15.7% of rebased GDP in 2018 – Ken Ofori-Atta

Govt will institute a Fiscal Council to further strengthen fiscal management – Ken Ofori-Atta

To bolster our resolve to maintain fiscal discipline, Govt will soon submit a Bill to Parliament with the main objective of ensuring that the fiscal deficit is capped at 5% of GDP – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Agricultural Sector is expected to grow by 7.3%, the Industry Sector by 9.7%, and the Services Sector by 6.1% – Ken Ofori-Atta

GDP is projected to grow by 7.6% in 2019 while non-oil GDP is projected to grow at 6.2%  – Ken Ofori-Atta

A total amount of GH¢3.5bn was programmed to be collected in energy sector levies in 2018. At the end of September 2018, an amount of GH¢2.3 bn was collected  – Ken Ofori-Atta

The public debt stock (excluding the financial sector clean-up cost) as a ratio of GDP is 66.5%. In terms of the rebased GDP, the public debt to GDP ratio is 57.2% (including financial sector clean-up cost) and 53.9% (excluding clean-up cost) – Ken Ofori-Atta

Public debt including the financial sector bailout as a percentage of GDP stood at 70.7% at the end of September 2018 compared with 69.2% during the same period in 2017 – Ken Ofori-Atta

The nominal public debt stock as at end September 2018 was GH¢170.8bn, comprising external and domestic debt of GH¢86.6 billion and GH¢84.1bn, respectively – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Govt has set aside funds at the BoG to pay the remaining 20% of depositors upon validation. An additional 12,612 claims have been fully provided for, but the customers have not as yet been able to show proof of deposit – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government has also taken steps to settle almost all claims of DKM customers The official liquidator received 99,858 claims and the validated claims amounted to GH¢502m. Out of the claims, 79,708 (80%) have been settled and depositors have been paid- Ken Ofori-Atta

The Government will not shield anyone found complicit in the failure of the defunct banks – Ken Ofori-Atta

I am proud to say that the @NAkufoAddo Govt is delivering on this four-year resounding mandate that the people of Ghana have given us. This is evident in the impressive strides the nation has made in the past 22 months – Ken Ofori-Atta

We recognize that while current resources are insufficient to meet every need and every demand of every Ghanaian, there are no limitations on our collective potential, our will and our hope that the sacrifices we make will achieve sustainable results – Ken Ofori-Atta

End-period inflation rate declined from 11.8% at the end of 2017 to 9.8% at the end of September 2018; and further to 9.5% as at October 2018 – Ken Ofori-Atta

Real GDP grew by 5.4% in the first half of 2018 compared to the annual target of 5.6%. 

Non-oil real GDP grew by 4.6% compared to the 2018 target of 5.8% – Ken Ofori-Atta

Data as at the end September 2018 shows that, the economy is in good shape and we are on track to meet our targets – Ken Ofori-Atta

The performance of the economy for the first nine months has been impressive; overall Real GDP growth rate of 6.8 percent (5.6 % in the rebased series – Ken Ofori-Atta

Global inflation increased in the second quarter of 2018. Core inflation, excluding food and energy, remains below target in most advanced economies while in emerging markets and developing economies, core inflation has inched up – Ken Ofori-Atta

As we complete and exit the programme in December 2018, we are also instituting measures to ensure irreversibility of the macroeconomic gains we have made – Ken Ofori-Atta

According to the IMF’s October 2018 World Economic Outlook (WEO), global growth momentum moderated in the first half of 2018, compared to the same period in 2017 – Ken Ofori-

Atta Notwithstanding exiting this current programme after successful completion, we will continue with our prudent management of the economy – Ken Ofori-Atta 

In recent times, the NPP Government has had to inherit an IMF programme from our friends across the aisle which we have successfully completed – Ken Ofori-Atta

The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO), a three – year transitional job opportunity for young graduates has enrolled 100,000 young graduates to support the delivery of critical public services – Ken Ofori-Atta

Over the period 2017 and 2018, the Ministry of Finance granted financial clearance to various agencies to recruit 88,719

Ghanaians into critical sectors of agriculture, health, and education to enable us to improve service delivery – Ken Ofori-Atta

We have resourced the Ghana Statistical Service and the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations to develop a more robust system to track employment on a quarterly basis – Ken Ofori-AttaBased on SSNIT data, the private sector added 208,620 formal jobs in the first 10 months of 2018, an increase on the 197,000 formal jobs registered in 2017.  – Ken Ofori-Atta

Our policies have improved the business environment and the private sector has responded by increasing jobs – Ken Ofori-Atta 

Ghana’s appeal as the preferred investment destination has grown significantly and we have attracted global industry giants such as Volkswagen, Nissan, ExxonMobil and Siemens to establish local assembly plants – Ken Ofori-Atta 

The philosophy of this government has not been to throw our hands in the air and offer excuses – Ken Ofori-Atta

Government's Planting for Food and Jobs programme is yielding brilliant results. Going forward there'll be a ready market for farmers following the launch of the Commodities Exchange  – Ken Ofori-Atta

The days of an ailing NHIS are behind us. We have re-energised the Scheme and have paid all arrears since 2014  – Ken Ofori-Atta

Following the creation of the Consolidated Bank and the investments made to cover the gaps between the liabilities and the assets, confidence in the banking system has been restored, with customers assured their funds are save  – Ken Ofori-Atta

Since the assumption of office by the current management of the BoG, bold measures have been taken to restore the health of the banking sector   – Ken Ofori-Atta

The BoG has done a great job with its monetary policy which has resulted in inflation dropping to single digits, lower interest rates and a relatively stable currency  – Ken Ofori-Atta

We are on course to achieving our revised target of 5.6% growth this year which reflects our prudent economic management  – Ken Ofori-Atta [Finance Minister] 

Gov't's Planting for Food and Jobs programme is yielding positive results –  Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

We shall continue to strengthen the business environment in our country – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

In 2018, we had a GDP growth of 5.4% from the oil sector as we work to achieve our prime target – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

In addition to claims, government has taken steps to settle all DKM customers –  Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

The Bank of Ghana of Bank is also working on a comprehensive plan to clean our banking sector – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Mr. Speaker the Bank of Ghana has done an excellent job with its monetary policy which has resulted in inflation dropping to single digits – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Our nation is on track to achieving our key macroeconomic targets for 2018. That is something we can all be proud of – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Economic growth remains strong and we are determined to achieve our objectives –  Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

We shall not return to Egypt again – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Our trade position with the rest of the world has strengthened – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

We have all witnessed a change from a stagnant Agric sector to a revitalized sector under the Planting for Food and Jobs

programme – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

It is important to note that petroleum special taxes have been reduced drastically – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

There has been a serious change from 'Dumsor' to reliable access to power – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Within 2years there has been significant change all and sundry are experiencing it, Ken Ofori-Atta.

President is delivering on promises. And that the country is moving forward under this government,  Ken Ofori-Atta.

It is important to state that not a single pesewa was saved under the previous government – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

The nation is moving forward in the right direction – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

We are grateful to the IMF and we are determined to cooperate with them to overturn the tide-  Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

We are not there yet as we have a long way to go in fulfilling our mandate – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta

.The sacrifices we make and the seeds we sow together will put Ghana at an enviable position – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

The theme for this year's budget is "A stronger economy for jobs and prosperity" – Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.





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