NDC launches corruption tracker series to expose corrupt practices in Gov't

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has begun a corruption tracker series which will keep track of malfeasance and corruption in government.
Beginning the series, the National Communications Officer of the NDC, Sammy Gyamfi, cited numerous corruption cases that has ridden the Akufo-Addo leg government.
Sammy Gyamfi cited the BOSTGATE scandal which saw the selling of contaminated fuel to movinpina as one of the numerous corruptions in the NPP administration.
According to him, the committee set up to investigate the case has submitted it work but government has failed to act on it. He revealed that the committee’s finding labeled the entire transaction between BOST and Movinpina as illegal which gave no proceeds to the country.
He said “As a responsible opposition with the responsibility of keeping government on its toes, the NDC is today embarking on a corruption tracker series to track the status of the countless cases of corruption we have witnessed under the Akufo-Addo government in the last three and half years. Scandals which have occasioned huge financial losses to the state and robbed Ghanaians of the developments they were promised in the year 2016.”
He dared the President to prove he is incorruptible enough to prosecute the people implicated in the Movinpina-Zup Oil, BOST scandal.
The NDC also christened Nana Addo as a “Clearing Agent” for clearing his appointees accused of corruption.
Ghana| Atinkaonline.com


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