The Akropong School For the Blind was once West Africa’s only school offering education to the visually impaired. The Soul Clinic International School, noting the effort of the staff and students of the school for the blind, has made a commitment to supporting the management and visually impaired students.
In line with the commitment, the Soul Clinic International School will on 10th December 2021 hold a fashion show under the theme, “Revealed at 70”, in benefit of the Akropong School For the Blind and in honor of Ghanaian fashion history.
Speaking with students from the Akropong School For the Blind, they expressed gratitude to their friends from Soul Clinic International School for previously assisting in providing hundreds of braille and other teaching/learning materials. Speaking with an independent reporter, a female student of the school for the blind, urged the public to assist Soul Clinic’s efforts to support visually impaired students, by attending the Revealed at 70 fashion show.
Speaking to a rep of Soul Clinic, she stated that the school is poised to cultivate an attitude of helpfulness and gratitude amongst it’s students and is commitment in their quest to help the differently abled, achieved their full potential.
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