Heads of some four Divisional Clans in the Osu Doku Traditional area in the Greater Accra region, are accusing the paramount chief of the area of masterminding the illegal sale of family lands.
Addressing a press conference in the area, Heads of the Lanor, Dakakusi, Kpono, Boba Tsangmer Divisional clans in the Osu-Doku traditional area, who were clad in red amidst chanting of war songs, slaughtered a sheep coupled with the pouring of libation, in an apparent display of their grievances towards their paramount chief.
Head of the Nor Clan, Samuel Martey, said all lands in the Osu Doku Traditional area are family lands, and for that reason they find it difficult to comprehend the decision by their paramount chief to be selling lands on the premise that they are stool lands.
According to him, despite attempts by the various families to ensure the right thing is done, the chief has been adamant in reasoning with them to ensure peace in the area. He warned they might be compelled to drag their chief to court, even if it would end up in his destoolment.
Asafoatse Tetteh Agbodja Atamah II of the Lanor Division, warned any attempt by the paramount chief to sell the remaining lands, might end up in a bloodshed, since they are ever equally ready to protect what rightfully belongs to them.
He added, the chief’s orchestrated plan to turn family lands into stool lands will backfire.
Meanwhile Paramount chief of the Osu Doku Traditional Area, Nene Aadegbor Animle VI, has refused to comment on the matter, citing a similar petition made by the aggrieved clan heads at the National House of chiefs and the District Security Security Council
Ghana| Atinkaonline.com| Philip Azu