The Chinese Ambassador to Ghana, Shi Ting Wang says China has not been involved in human right violations in the country’s Xinjian Province.
The US and the Western media have accused China of violence and human right abuse against minority groups in the country’s Northwest Province in government constructed detention camps.
But addressing the media in Accra on Wednesday, Mr. Ting Wang dispelled such allegations, saying, the issues are rather anti-violence measures being taken to address terrorism in the area.
Also speaking on the issue a Political Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana Dr. Zhou Youbin said, “The Xinjiang issue is by no means an issue of human rights, ethnicity or religion, but an issue of anti-violence and anti-separatism. Xinjiang is China’s Xinjiang. The Xinjiang-related issues are purely China’s internal affairs” he said.
He added that, “Only by abandoning double standards, enhancing political mutual trust, reaching strategic consensus, and promoting exchanges and cooperation, can we effectively curb and combat terrorism and extremism in the interests of world peace and stability.”
Xinjiang is a province of China. The official title of this province is called Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Xinjiang is situated in northwest China and the hinterland of the Eurasian Continent, covering an area of 1.66 million sq km.
It borders eight countries: Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been home to various ethnic groups
Anti-terrorism situation in Xinjiang
Terrorism and extremism have a long history in Xinjiang. Since the 1990s, especially after the September 11 attacks in the US, the “East Turkistan” forces inside and outside China have stepped up their collaboration as terrorism and extremism spread around the globe, trying desperately to establish “East Turkistan” through “Jihad” (holy war).
Between 1990 and the end of 2016 separatists, religious extremists and terrorists plotted and carried out several thousand acts of terrorism such as bombings, assassinations, poisoning, arson, assaults, and riots in Xinjiang.
Many innocent people were killed and several hundred police officers died in the line of duty. The property losses incurred were enormous.
Dr. Zhou said in the face of these real threats, Xinjiang has taken resolute action to fight terrorism and extremism in accordance with the law.
According to him, there have been no violent terrorist cases and incidents for three consecutive years in Xinjiang.
“The spread of extremism has been effectively contained, public security has notably improved, and people of all ethnic groups are able to live and work in peace with a much stronger sense of gain, happiness and security,” he said.
Vocational Education and Training Centers
Meanwhile, Dr. Zhou noted that Xinjiang is a key battlefield in the fight against terrorism and extremism in China.
He said for some time, Xinjiang has been plagued by terrorism and religious extremism, which pose a serious threat to the lives of the people in the region.
“Addressing both the symptoms and root causes and integrating preventative measures and a forceful response, Xinjiang has established vocational education and training centers in accordance with the law to prevent the breeding and spread of terrorism and religious extremism, effectively curbing the frequent terrorist incidents and protecting the rights to life, health, and development of the people of all ethnic groups. Worthwhile results have been achieved,” he said.
Smear and Demonization by some Western countries
Dr. Zhou stated that for some time, some governments and media of Western countries have distorted facts, smear ad unjustifiable criticism of Xinjiang’s counter-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts.
“They claimed that “1 million Uygur Muslims in concentration camps!” … “Ethnic Cleansing and Cultural Genocide!” … These are completely groundless and erroneous,” he said.
Ghana|| Porcia Oforiwaa Ofori