Comedian and musician Benson Nana Oduro popularly known as Funny Face in showbiz circles has been remanded into police custody for two weeks by the Akweley District court for reckless driving.
While the comedian’s counsel pleaded for bail the prosecution held that ample time would be crucially needed for further investigations into the matter and more importantly to conduct a toxicology investigation as eyewitnesses at the accident scene held that the celebrity was engaged in drunk driving.
In the meantime, the police have charged him for reckless driving.
However, Funny Face appeared cheerful as he wore a smiley face even in court.
The comedian on the evening of Sunday, March 24, 2024, knocked down three pedestrians who were crossing the Kasoa-Nyanyano Kakraba highway at the Kakraba Junction resulting in severe injuries. He subsequently crashed into two motorbikes causing injury to the riders also.
Presently, two of the victims are receiving treatment at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital while the remainder continue to be catered for at the Mother and Child Hospital in Kasoa.
Ghana | | Samuel Nyamekye JNR