Ghana’s Samuel Aryeequaye Appointed Director General Of One World Nexus

Ghanaian politician, diplomat, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Samuel Aryeequaye has gained massive recognition in the United States of America as he appears on a giant billboard at the Time Square in New York after being appointed world director general for One World Nexus United Nations.

One World Nexus is a New York-based organization that trains future diplomats through diplomatic simulations. It offers young leaders and change-makers a platform to exchange ideas and engage in philanthropic activities globally. The simulations help aspiring diplomats develop lobbying and critical thinking skills, essential to becoming effective diplomats.
With this appointment, Samuel Aryeequaye is in charge of all international meetings and organization of conferences for young diplomats across the world. This conference provides real-world training on effective representation of a country in line with foreign policy in diplomatic environments like the United Nations. Participating in One World Nexus Conference is a great way to expand one’s network by meeting and interacting with diverse individuals from around the world.
One World Nexus also believes in the transformative power of youth. It is associated with non-profit corporations for philanthropic activities in different parts of the world. The organization has a special assignment to empower the next generation to become catalysts for change in some of the world’s most challenging environments, from refugee camps to flood-affected areas, war-torn regions, and earthquake-stricken communities.
Again, the organization identifies and rewards individuals doing amazingly well in their communities. For instance, the Global Youth Icon Award, Global Excellency Awards. This prestigious award pays tribute to those young minds who have not only excelled in their educational pursuits but have also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving their communities. The Global Youth Icon Award celebrates the exceptional individuals who have become inspirations, role models, and catalysts for positive change, setting an example for their peers and future generations.
Click on the link below to know more about One World Nexus – OWN

Samuel Aryeequaye is an active Ghanaian politician, a senior member of the Liberal Party of Ghana front-lined by Percival Kofi Akpaloo. Samuel in the 2020 general elections contested for the parliamentary seat in the Agona East constituency in the central region but lost to a member of the ruling party.
He is known for his youth empowerment mentality, investment in local business to build a better country, continent. From all his media engagements, he has been advocating for youth involvement in key decision making, embracing entrepreneurship etc.
Samuel is an entrepreneur, he’s the brain behind Baron Tissues — a made in Ghana tissue company. He’s also into real estate and other businesses.
Samuel has spoken at lots of summits both in Ghana and other parts of the country. For instance, in 2022 he was invited to speak at African Humanitarian Action Conference and Awards in Nigeria. He has shared golden nuggets with many young people in Poland.

As part of the 2023 ‘German Week’ Celebration in Ghana, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany (Ghana), in collaboration with the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce (AHK Ghana), the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), and various other esteemed German institutions and companies actively engaged in Ghana, organized a seminar to commemorate the celebration. The event which took place at Greenhill on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, was on the topic: “Tomorrow’s Economy in Ghana.” Samuel Aryeequaye was one of the guest speakers.


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