Homeless 16-yr-old delivers; appeals for help

The 16-year old homeless girl who recently called on the public for help has delivered a baby boy.

She delivered today, Saturday, July 10, 2021 through a C-section at a Hospital in Tema with the little support raised through Atinkaonline.com and Atinka TV’s report.

The 16-year-old, Abigail Nartey, who is supposed to be in form 3 in Junior High School was impregnated by an 18-year-old driver’s mate, Joshua.

Although the mate accepted the pregnancy, he gives her GHC20 for upkeep every month.

Throughout her pregnancy, she went for antenatal for only three times because she had no money.

Sharing her story with Atinka TV’s News Editor, Regina Asamoah, Abigail explained that her father sacked her from home because he said she had disgraced him.

When she was sacked, she said the driver’s mate sent her to one of his relatives to live with her since his parents did not accept the pregnancy and could not take her in.

Unfortunately, the auntie of the Mate also sacked Abigail because the Mate was not sending them enough money for upkeep and she could no longer bear the cost.

Abigail said when she was sacked, she had to sleep in front of a store at Tema Community 22 where residents sent her to Social Welfare for help.

When Atinka TV’s Regina Asamoah, who is re-uniting some missing children with their families got to Social Welfare, the Head of Social Welfare and Community Development, Ashaiman, Mr Archibald Mensah explained to her that the facility did not have any immediate support for the pregnant girl.

Abigail’s father and auntie was therefore called to assist her and take responsibility right before she delivered.

Unfortunately, the family did not show any concern.

Abigail’s father insisted the family of the Mate keeps the baby while she returns home without the baby after giving birth.

She was sent to the hospital by the neighbours at the place she used to sleep in front of a shop.

Currently, she is still homeless and would need a place to stay when she is discharged from the hospital.

She would also need baby items and money to foot her hospital bills.

Abigail is therefore pleading with the public to support her with the little they can.

Anyone who feels touched can support her by calling 0594594662 or send any amount to 0594594662, Regina Asamoah.

Ghana l Atinkaonline.com l Porcia Oforiwaa Ofori

Writer’s Email: [email protected]


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