I almost gave up on music –Buk Bak’s Bright  


Staying away from the Ghana Music Industry for years, Prince Bright, the sole surviving member of the erstwhile veteran music duo, ‘Buk Bak’, has touched down finally to pursue his music career to the crescendo.

Every ardent fan of music who has followed closely the entertainment industry for years is not unaware of how the ‘Kolom’ hit maker reached an impasse  following the demise of  Ronny Coaches.

It was incontrovertible that the demise was a big blow to the bereaved , Bright ,as far as music was concerned since they both were working together as a group (spiritually and physically)

When asked by DJ Candyman on Atinka Drive Talk whether or not the demise affected him negatively, the silky vocalist categorically stated that it really did affect him insomuch that he thought it was all up as far as music was concerned.

He, however, was quick to add that the demise challenged him to continue the good work he and his brother( Ronny Coaches) started so he could make the legacy live on regardless.

Prince Bright is currently making waves in the country with his new single “small thing” .
He was reported to have stolen the show at the just ended MTN Music Festival which  became the talk of town.

Ghana | Atinkaonline.com | C K Arthur


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