“I still love my son; pray for my family” – Duncan-Williams reacts to son’s outbursts

The Presiding Archbishop and General Overseer of the Action Chapel International Ministry, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams has asked the general public to pray for the family over the recent outburst of one of his sons, Daniel Duncan-Williams.
Daniel Duncan-Williams, the last son of Archbishop Duncan-Williams, released nude videos of himself on social media on Tuesday.
A statement by the Spokesperson for Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams and  his family, Bishop Ebenezer Obodai, said the outbursts and actions  of Daniel are abhorrent  but added that they understand that he has a serious illness hence the relapse.
According to the statement, Daniel has undergone the very best of medical interventions, treatments and hospitalizations, yet he still experiences relapses when he does not continue with his prescribed medication.
“The Archbishop says this is a test of his faith. In his own words; I acknowledge the situation my son is in, and I still love him…please pray for us…. Love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8”, the statement added.
Read full statement below:
Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams’ statement regarding his son, Daniel’s actions and outburst on social media:
Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams and his family thank you for your prayers. Daniel’s outbursts on social media and elsewhere should not be media fodder or click-bait.
We acknowledge that the obscenities are abhorrent but understand that he has a serious illness.
Daniel has undergone the very best medical interventions, treatments and hospitalizations, yet he still experiences relapses when he does not continue on his prescribed medication.
The Archbishop says “this is a test of his faith. In his own words; “I acknowledge the situation my son is in, and I still love him…please pray for us…. “Love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8
The Archbishop and his family continue to stand firm in their faith believing God for Daniel’s full deliverance, healing and restoration. We ask that you please respect their privacy as they navigate through this trying time.
Psalms 3:3. But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
Bishop Ebenezer Obodai
Spokesperson for Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams and family
Ghana | Atinkaonline.com


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