Jackie Appiah donates to porters at Agbogbloshie market, as she celebrates her birthday

Jackie Appiah has donated assorted items and an undisclosed cash amounts to head porters (Kayayei) at the Agbogbloshie market in Accra, as part of her birthday celebration.
The actress who is well-known for celebrating her birthday with the needy every year shared items including mosquito nets, clothes, pharmaceuticals, drinks, cosmetics, rice, oil, soap and other items.
In her chat with Attractivemustapha.com after the donation she commended the Kayayei for their hard work, perseverance and strong will to better their lives. She wished them well in their endeavour.
For many years, Jackie Appiah has been celebrating her birthday by doing charity works and giving back to society. She either donates something or visits an orphanage.
Well, this year was no different, Jackie visited the Agbogbloshie market center to make some donations.
The Donations includes Food, Drinks, Cloths, UB Products, Bags of rice, Soaps, money, hand sanitizers amongst others.



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