9 facts about the female brain that men should know

9 facts about the female

Many differences between males and females are quite obvious to even the most casual observer. What’s not so obvious is that the male and female brain – although they appear quite similar – are actually very different. These differences are probably responsible for those times when men and women just don’t “get” each other. What seems perfectly reasonable to one may border of sheer lunacy to the other. Understanding the differences in how our brains work might make it a bit easier to work out those seemingly hopeless disagreements that are likely a part of any relationship that involves a male and a female. Here are just a few of the ways that the female brain differs from its male counterpart according to Daily Entertainment news portal:


Both men and women are subject to changes due to hormone levels, but females are particularly vulnerable to these changes because their hormone levels are always in flux. A woman’s reproductive system and its monthly cycle subject the brain to an ever-changing flow of hormones, which play a key role in her behavior.


Women’s intuition is not just a myth, in fact, scientists theorize that women may have a sort of “sixth sense” that developed over the ages as women gave birth to and cared for children. It can be pretty hard to figure out what’s bothering a crying baby, so in response, women may have developed that intuition that men just don’t have simply because they needed it.


Women often express aggression differently than men. While guys are more likely to lash out with physical violence, women express aggressive behavior in an entirely different way. Instead of raising a fist, a woman is more likely to use her head and approach the situation more diplomatically, perhaps relying on manipulation or negotiation to settle a dispute.


Medical research has proven that the male and female brain react to anxiety quite differently. Females may be more sensitive to fear and anxiety, which actually may be beneficial since women may be less prone to focusing too intently on the object of their fear or anxiety and stay more aware and open. Too much anxiety over a long period of time, however, is not good for anyone – male or female.


Females often have a serious aversion to uncertainty. This is true especially for a woman who is dealing with conflict in an intimate relationship. The “silent treatment” may be the most hurtful action a man can adopt when working through a conflict with a woman. The chemicals that influence the female brain during the conflict are not dissimilar to those that are present during a seizure. Women “want to know,” and the “not knowing” can cause them extreme distress and frustration.


When it comes to sex drive, a woman is turned off a lot quicker and much easier than a man. Being intimate is a much more complicated for females than for males, and it’s very easy to upset the delicate balance between the “yes” and the “no” she will decide upon when the time comes. While men tend to make snap decisions about when it’s time to be intimate, the events of an entire day can figure into a woman’s decision to be intimate or simply roll over and go to sleep.


Men should expect big changes when a woman becomes a mother. In addition to all the physical and emotional changes that result from pregnancy and childbirth, new mothers are also dealing with a huge change in their lives and a tremendous amount of new responsibility. Fortunately, nature provides some relief with activities such as breastfeeding, which can actually help women feel more relaxed. Scientific research revealed that breastfeeding may be more rewarding to a woman’s brain than cocaine!


Unlike males, females are destined to go through adolescence twice. It happens as one would normally expect when a girl becomes a woman, but she then faces another round when she experiences what is known as perimenopause, which usually occurs when she is in her forties. This condition can cause erratic hormonal changes that might make a woman as prone to mood swings as a teenager. This period of perimenopause usually lasts for between two and nine years.


While females tend to be more risk-averse for much of their lives, they often experience a change after they go through the menopause. This may result in increased desire to take on new challenges and become more involved with any number of new activities from volunteerism to advancing her career.


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