A Police officer with Sekondi Police Command in the Western Region, Lance Corporal Bright Appiah, has allegedly assaulted a Spare parts dealer.
The victim, Osei Tutu, 29, was assaulted by the policeman at a Bus Terminal in Sekondi Wednesday for allegedly breaking traffic rules.
According to the victim, the police officer first hit him with a plastic object and later with a stick during the confrontation.
He added: “The police officer attempted to push me into the police vehicle but I refused because I hadn’t done anything to warrant the arrest .He then punched me, hit my head and hand with a stick until some onlookers came to my rescue.”
The victim told Atinka News that, he had lodged a complaint with the Sekondi Police .
Meanwhile the officer, Bright Appiah, has denied the allegation, saying Osei Tutu rather assaulted him.
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