SONA: Measures to stop Bagre Dam perennial flooding underway-Akufo-Addo

"We are putting in place plans to prevent the perennial flooding caused by the spillage of the Bagre Dam which has resulted in lives and properties being lost", President Akufo Addo has said.

The Bagre flood waters have been hounding out Ghanaian residents and settlers in the Upper East, Upper West and Northern regions.

During a rainy season up North, the dam could no longer contain anymore beyond its 235m depth.

The President while delivering the State of the Nation Address Thursday assured Ghanaians of government’s plans to make the perennial spillage of the Bagre Dam a thing of the past.

He also added that the Odawna storm drains which has caused many issues is undergoing works by a team of engineers to ensure its permanently resolved.

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