Universities Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) says its industrial strike still holds despite the National Labour Commission (NLC) declaring the strike as illegal.
UTAG’s strike commenced an industrial strike Monday January 10.
“For the reasons stated above, the NEC of UTAG at its meeting held on 7th January 2022 reiterated its resolve to follow through with the decision to withdraw teaching and related activities until further notice with effect from Monday, 10th January 2022 and call on all UTAG members across the fifteen (15) branches to observe this directive.
“As a matter of urgency, we also call on the Employer to restore members to the 2013 IMP of 114% of Basic Salary in the interim whilst Government goes ahead to formulate guidelines to implement the appropriate recommendations to address the CoS of the University Teacher. Following the uneasiness among UTAG members, any delay by the Employer would further exacerbate the already fragile academic calendar to the detriment of all stakeholders,” UTAG said in the statement that announced their strike.
After the announcement, the National Labour Commission (NLC) declared the action by UTAG as illegal.
This directive comes after the NLC together with the Ministry of Employment held a meeting with the leadership of UTAG and CETAG on Thursday January 13 2022.
Read Also: Labour Commission declares strike by UTAG, CETAG illegal
“In the spirit of transparency and very mutual respect for them, they have assured them that whatever allowance is due them because they were captured in the 2022 budget January they are going to be paid. Therefore the Commission has directed that they go and call off the strike immediately. This is something that is good for Ghana expecting that schools had just reopened, parents had just seen of their wards to the various institutions. I am glad that CETAG has also be asked so let us expect that they do the needful and then we have peace,” NLC told the media.
In a rebuttal, UTAG says it has resolved in an emergency meeting that it will only call off the strike after their demands are met.
“Members resolved that they won’t call off strike until their demands have been met,” a statement by UTAG and dated 17th January said.

Ghana | Atinkaonline.com | Vivian Adu | [email protected]