"Your juju won’t work again" – Pope Skinny to Shatta Wale

Pope Skinny and former tight pal Shatta Wale are currently at each other’s throats after they quit working together.

In a series of attacks on snapchat, Wale lays out many accusations against Pope Skinny. He alleges that the Asuoden music boss is a rapist and that they only became friends because Pope Skinny wanted to leech off his fame.

He also said Pope owes him $10,000 plus many other allegations against the rapper. This ‘beef’ is really heating up.

Pope Skinny responding to Shatta Wale's rant on snapchat denied taking $10,000 and a car from the SM movement boss.

He also accused him of working with juju which will fail him soon.

Below are shots of Pope Skinny’s snapcharts

Ghana | Atinkaoanline.com | Ishmael Atiemo


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