Election 2024: NDC committed to peace – Mahama assures

Flagbearer for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Dramani Mahama, has pledged the party’s commitment towards a peaceful election come December 7.

Speaking at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission 91st Annual National Convention Jalsa Salana 2014 in the Central Region, he said as one of the tenets of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission is peace, the party will not be part of any violence in the 2024 elections.

He said, however, that whilst the party advocates for peace, justice must be prioritized.

He, therefore, urged faith-based organizations and civil society groups to advocate for peace ahead of the elections.

He added that it is the lack of justice that leads to violence.

The flagbearer cited the by-election of the Ayawaso West Wougon and the loss of 8 lives in the 2020 general elections as the most recent incidents that have less prioritized justice and urged that justice is advocated.

He said the victims in the Ayawaso West Wougon by-election and the 2020 general elections were yet to receive justice and compensation.

He pledged that if the NDC attains victory in the general elections come December 7, the perpetrators would be made to face the law and victims compensated.

He added that to have justice there must be an Electoral Commission (EC) that is fair and neutral.

He said, “To have justice, you must have an Electoral Commission that is fair and neutral not one that brings surprises to political stakeholders. Wake up one morning and announce that you are changing the election date.

“…wake up one morning and say we won’t use indelible ink anymore. Everybody knows that you cannot refuse to use indelible ink unless you introduce a new constitutional instrument to Parliament and as long as you don’t have a new constitutional instrument you cannot unilaterally declare that you are not going to use indelible ink.

 “We need an electoral commission that is fair and just and neutral among all the stakeholders for us to have peaceful elections,”  he said

Ghana | Atinkaonline.com | Simon Agbovi



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