Ministry is not a joke – Pentecost University ministerial students urged to uphold integrity

School of Theology, Missions and Leadership (STML), a school under Pentecost University has held its 13th matriculation ceremony, with many dignitaries from the church and the academia present to grace the occasion. 

The ceremony ushered in 126 ministerial students into Pentecost University for their 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology.

Speaking (a sermon) on behalf of the Chancellor and the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Michael Etrue, The Kaneshie Area Head who is also an Executive Member of the church congratulated the students for this glorious call to serve the Lord in this capacity. 

He encouraged the students to prepare to go extra mile and work with all integrity to the glory of God. He also cautioned that “Ministry is not a joke, please do not take ministry for granted”.

Speaking on the topic, “Knowing our individual assignment, standing on the Holy ground”, Apostle Etrue presented his message, using Moses who saw God on the wilderness as a case study. He said, when God met Moses on the wilderness, He told Moses to remove his sandals for where he was standing was a holy ground.

This signifies that when one meets God he takes off his old nature and live a new life which suits the holiness of God. It also means a total surrender unto God to commence a new life. Based on this, the Kaneshie Area Head admonished the students to surrender their all unto God, for Him to work through them mightily as He did to Moses.

Apostle Etrue again urged the students to have a heart of a good leader. Using Moses as an example, he said Moses was a shepherd leader, which means he was selfless, patient, calm and served his people with love. As a leader, Moses did not create wealth for himself in the expense of his subordinates. He said ministry is not for creation of wealth, but God has called us to succeed in His purpose for us. 

“God is looking for humble, diligent, and honest people to call into the ministry, so as He has called you, you must not disappoint Him”, he ended.

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On his side, the Vice Chancellor of Pentecost University, Apostle Professor Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua reiterated Apostle Etrue’s message by telling the students that, as Moses removed his sandals,  may they also surrender to God totally so that God will use them fully. Challenging the students to engage in vigorous studies and prayers, Prof. Agyapong Kodua said he was inspired by Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye’s declaration of PCC revival about three years ago. “We are also aware that most great revivals in global Christianity started on campuses like ours”, citing the famous Azusa revival as an example.

Prof. Agyapong-Kodua assured the students that they have not joined a mere university, but a university that has set themselves up to be unique among all institutions. “We observed a spiritual gap in modern education, and also an intellectual gap in present day spirituality. This observation is the pivot of our University A+ agenda” he highlighted. Adding to the outcome of this agenda, he said, every PU minister will become a truly spiritual, intellectually outstanding and a recognized problem solver; ministers replicating Christ in his full time ministry.

As a reminder from his message during the three days retreat at STML, Rev. Agyapong-Kodua encouraged the students to learn from the attitude of the four Hebrews who found themselves in Babylon – they studied and gained knowledge to transform the King and governance. He also revealed that those four boys also succeeded because of their spirituality – reverence towards God and the serious attitudes towards learning. “They took their relationship with God seriously and did not joke with their studies. Their results were ten times better” he gladly revealed. On that note, he advised the students to take learning serious and the same time have intimate relationship with God, with this, surely they will succeed.

Ghana | | Alex Nana Owusu Nkrumah, Student, School Of Theology, Missions And Leadership.


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