We’re ready to educate you more on 24-hr economy-Haruna Iddrisu replies critics

Former Minority Leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu has urged the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) to make enquires into the 24hr Economy policy proposed by NDC’s Flagbearer John Dramani Mahama.

According to him, critics need to get proper understanding of the concept before concluding that it is not achievable.

Mr. Mahama had indicated that the 24-hour economy was meant to create jobs for all Ghanaians.

“The 24-hour economy I proposed is for jobs and more jobs,” the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) stressed.

He proposed the ’24hr Economy‘ project when he met with officials of the country’s mother workers union on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at the start of his engagement with key stakeholders in a quest to return to power.

Critics including Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia have said that the proponent of the 24-hour economy idea, Former President John Dramani Mahama does not understand what this idea means.

Dr Bawumia stated that hospitals, the Electricity Company of Ghana, Ghana Water Company, fuel stations and many chop bars work 24 hours.

Contributing to the debate on the 2024 budget statement, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu said the introduction of a “Night Economy” in the 2024 Budget statement by the government is an attempt to contradict President Mahama’s 24hr Economy policy.

“Mr. Speaker, in responding to this budget, we have heard our colleagues’ state and Mr Speaker if you referee to a paragraph in the budget 449, they are talking about a “Night Economy” to contradict what President Mahama have outlined as a 24hr Economy”.

He said, the 24hr Economy Policy as stated by their Flagbearer Mr. Mahama will address how public goods and services are assessed. 

“Mr. Speaker, all that President Mahama is indicating as is then was, is that, in 24hr Economy, public goods and public services, he wants a fundamental change to how that is assessed. So that for instance, if you wanted a National Identification card and you are in a queue and it’s 5:00pm you will have to go home because it 5pm, No! His (Mahama’s’) 24hr Economy meant that, you need to get that card” he stressed.

Ghana | Atinkaonline.com | Vincent Kwofie


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