Law entrance exams results not election induced- Gary Nimako

A legal team member of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Gary Nimako, has refuted claims that the improvement in the Ghana School of Law entrance examination was politically influenced.

1045 out of a total of 2720 candidates passed  the 2020 Law School Entrance Examination, an improvement of 2019’s results.

Only 128 students out of 1,820 candidates passed the Ghana School of Law entrance exam.

After the release of the exams results,  some critics have argued that the improvement in the results was masterminded my the ruling party to win votes from the  law students.

Gary Nimako, who made these comments in an interview with host of Atinka FM’s AM Drive Ekourba Gyasi, asked whether the exams was marked by politicians.

He expressed disappointment in the fact that people can come up with a lie of this sort.

“Election induced results? What does that mean? Are they saying that the exams was marked by politicians? The law school is a professional body, the law school is  independent and it is not an arm of government. It’s not an extension of the Jubilee House. To hear people saying it’s election induced is unfortunate. The students have passed and we have to congratulate them”, he added.

Ghana| | Vivian Adu Boatemaa


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