We've not been employed-Newly trained teachers cry

The Coalition of Concerned Newly Trained Teachers has urged the public to forgo speculations that the Colleges of Education’s 2017 and 2018 trainee graduate backlogs who applied for postings have been employed.

According to them, although they sent their concerns to the Ghana Education Service about their postings, they have not heard any response till date.

“We, therefore, plead that, GES kindly take a second look into our issue that our colleagues and juniors have been posted leaving us for at least one solid year and at most three solid years and reconsider to kindly use the same procedure used in engaging the teachers returning from study leave with pay to equally engage we the backlogs (2017 and 2018 graduates trained teachers from public Colleges of Education),” the Association stated.

Below is a statement:

On behalf of the coalition, we (leadership) wish to use this medium to once again appreciate and equally thank all stake holders MoE, GES, PRINCOF, GNAT, CCT, NAGRAT, Education Committee of Parliament, GES Council, TTAG, ete. for their relentless effort towards us since November 2019 when our colleagues were being posted leaving us behind, a press release dated July 17 2020 with reference GES/HQ/HRMD/SEC/020/014 from the Ghana Education Service (GES) placed a lot of smiles on many frowned faces and agonized hearts. Content of the letter was specific in its agendum, which seeks the application of trainee teachers from our various public Colleges of Education across the nation’s backlogs (2017 and 2018 graduates).

We applied and waited with much optimism for the application portal to close which was actually closed two days after the scheduled closing date. However up till date, we have not heard anything as to our fate concerning when our appointment letters will be released.

Without much we do, with high sense of humility;

We wish to plead with the general public to forgo the speculations that the colleges of education’s 2017 and 2018 trainee graduate backlogs who applied for Postings have been employed.

With reference to a JOY PRIME morning show in the early hours of Thursday 15 October 2020, the Deputy Director General of GES in charge of quality and access control in a program themed BEYOND THE LIMIT stated that, our postings were being delayed because the schools to which some of us will be going (primary schools) are currently closed hence we will not be able to get our documents signed by the heads of such schools.

This statement is a clear and self explained fact that we highly compromise with. Nonetheless, a category of posting was released as it stands. This posting is looking at the re-engagement of teachers on study leave with pay returning from their various studies. In as much as we know that their details are already with GES, we are also of the view that some of them are definitely being sent to primary schools whose heads is not in school due to school closure but against all odds, their re-engagement letters will be signed by the same heads.

We therefore plead that, GES should kindly take a second look into our issue that our colleagues and juniors have been posted leaving us for at least one solid year and at most three solid years and reconsider to kindly use the same procedure used in engaging the teachers returning from study leave with pay to equally engage we the backlogs (2017 and 2018 graduates trained teachers from public Colleges of Education).

Finally, we wish to vocally state with much importance that we are only well meaning Ghanaians who are fighting for what is ours and want clarifications.

We understand we are in political season hence people might think that we are under influence from political parties to come out with this.

Clearly speaking, we wish to state that, we are not children to be influenced before we speak on what is of great importance to us hence we humbly request that, no one should take this release on a wrong note and address the matters as stated not from political angle but from basic fact and understand.

We wish to state that, this issue of ours is the first of its kind and must be treated devoid of political influence.

PRESIDENT (2017 & 2018 graduates)

Ghana| Atinkaonline.com


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