Drivers on strike after back and forth with Gov’t over fuel taxes


The Coalition of Commercial Transport Operators in Ghana including the Ghana Private Road and Transport Union (GPRTU) have embarked on a sit down Strike today, Monday, December 6, 2021.

This is to get the government scrap all the taxis on the pump price of petroleum products to ease the burden on Ghanaians.

The Ashanti Regional branch of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), and other transport unions threatened to go on strike if government failed to ensure a reduction in the price of fuel.

They also gave indications that they would be forced to increase fares if nothing is done about the situation.

Aside these, the unions threatened to ask their leadership to vacate their positions if they fail to do anything about the issue.

Read Also: Strike: Gov’t promised to reduce fuel prices- GPRTU on U-turn

The transport unions were expected to embark on the strike on Monday, 29th November 2021, but they called it off.

Speaking on Atinka TV’s morning show, Ghana Nie with Ekourba Gyasi Simpremu, last week, Nana Nimako Bresiamah II, said,”It is true we wanted to do a sit down strike today, but we have spoken with some government officials and they have urged us to exercise restraint and wait for them to see what they can do. We want them to reduce fuel prices for us so that our work can go on.”

Despite the back and forth with government, they decided to embark on the sit down strike because government had failed to meet their demands.

On Monday morning, it was observed that most of the commercial drivers, although at their various stations did not move their vehicles; most of them were in red arm band to register their plight.

For the passengers, most of them had to either walk and join private cars to their places of work. will bring an update on this story later.

Read Also: We’ll fast to get what we want- Transport Unions

Ghana|| Porcia Oforiwaa Ofori
Writer’s email: [email protected]


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