“Nobody can eradicate activities of fake prophets” — Bishop Bonegas

Leader and founder of The Great Fire Pentecostal International Ministry, Daniel Kwame Kissi commonly known as Bishop Bonegas has stated emphatically that nobody born of a woman can ever eradicate the activities of fake prophets in the world.

He says all that is happening is a manifestation of God’s supremacy.

The man of God says nobody can change what has been said in the Christian holy book. The book of Matthew clearly states that many false prophets would come in the last days and confuse a lot of people.

In an interesting conversation with Roman Fada, host of Atinka FM’s Drive Time show, Bishop Bonegas strongly encouraged Christians to remain focused and grow closer to God to avoid falling for the scams of false prophets.

He also asked people to quit pursuing these prophets because it won’t cease today or tomorrow, as it is said in the book of Matthew 13:30–32: “Let the weeds and the wheat grow together until the time of the harvest.”

Since time immemorial, people have chased preachers, tormented their lives, and done all sorts of things to eradicate these prophets but it seems the more they do, the more these prophets keep multiplying. This according to him, supports his claim that nobody born of a woman can completely take out prophets from the system.

In Ghana, there have been numerous instances where influential individuals including politicians, musicians, pastors, and others have attempted to put an end to the activities of false prophets. Despite all their efforts, these individuals have persisted in their work.

asare.bediako.addo/ [email protected]


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