The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has cautioned manufacturers and sellers of unregistered body enhancements products on the Ghanaian market to desist from such acts as it is illegal and can have adverse health implications on consumers.
The FDA as part of its routine market surveillance and monitoring activities noted with utmost concern how some companies are producing, selling and advertising body enhancements products with no authorization from the Authority and in contravention with the Public Health Act 2012 (Act 851).
In a statement, the FDA said, “Sections 111 and 114 of the Public Health Act 851 of 2012 mandates anyone into the manufacturing and advertising regulated products to seek the approval of the FDA before offering them for sale to the general public.”
It stated that companies that perpetuate such acts are warned to cease the production, manufacture, selling and advertisements of such products with immediate effect.
“Pursuant to this provision and in line with our mandate to protect public health and safety, the FDA will not hesitate to prosecute companies that are found to be flouting the law,” FDA added.
Meanwhile, the Authority said it will not relent on its mandate to protect the well-being of the consuming public.
It therefore urged the public not to patronise unregistered body enhancements products as their quality and safety cannot be guaranteed.
In other News: Bole: Police grab two armed robbers
The Bole Police Patrol team has arrested two armed men at Maluwe, a community in the Bole District of the Savannah Region.
The suspects are Dauda Appiah, 43, and Yusiif Abdullah, 25.
Inspector Owusu Adjekum, the Public Relations Officer for Savannah Region in a statement said the two had been on the police wanted list after robbing a resident of his gold and machine.
According to him, the Bole Police carried the operation together with two other persons at Talekura, who are currently at large.
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Ghana|| Porcia Oforiwaa Ofori
Writer;s email: [email protected]